Our treatments lead to a dramatic increase in patient’s longevity through the collaborative effort of doctors and advanced technology.
The field of human genomics is revolutionizing the approach to cancer detection and treatment for patients with hereditary predisposition, providing physicians and researchers with invaluable insights to help personalize their care and optimize their treatment plans.
Cancer is a human genome illness that is exceedingly complicated and influenced by a plethora of genetic and epigenetic variables. Understanding a tumour’s mutational profile is critical for diagnosis and guiding therapeutic options. According to the “two-hit” hypothesis, initially postulated by geneticist Alfred Knudson in 1971, a dominantly inherited predisposition to cancer involves a germline mutation, while tumorigenesis necessitates a second, somatic, mutation. The same type of non-hereditary cancer requires the same two hits, but both somatic. As a result, for a cell to become cancerous, both of its tumour suppressor genes must be mutated. Modern-day oncologists are aware of the critical function that genetic information has in the field of oncology and utilize it to match the correct therapy as per the patient’s needs and assist in improving patient outcomes.
Lifenity extends compassionate support and expert care throughout a cancer patient’s recovery, we also give personalized home healthcare services and home care nursing in Dubai. Our experienced team is committed to delivering comprehensive assistance and comfort in the familiar surroundings of your home, ensuring you receive the utmost home care and guidance during your treatment. With Lifenity by your side, you can focus on your well-being and recovery with confidence and peace of mind, knowing that you have a dedicated partner in your fight against cancer.