Diagnostic Services
“Without laboratories men of science are soldiers without arms”- LOUIS PASTEUR
At Lifenity Genomic Laboratory DMCC, we strive to provide arms and support to enhance your healthcare experience. As healthcare services have improved tremendously in recent years, we are deeply committed to utilizing the latest advancements in the field of genetics to help diagnose life-threatening diseases and health issues, ultimately enabling individuals to enjoy a healthier life. Our unwavering dedication to excellence and innovation is a testament to our commitment to helping individuals across the globe achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
Our team of experts aims for accuracy in disease diagnosis, and we attain precision in our diagnostic operations by utilizing the most advanced technology and cutting-edge testing equipment. We intend to be a model laboratory known for its high efficiency, clinical excellence, professionalism, and most significantly, for being a one-stop shop for advanced pathological examinations. Our strength comes from our use of sophisticated technology, and our labs are outfitted with molecular equipment for all modern-day genomic testing needs.
We are proud to offer the best genomic diagnostic services in the entire UAE through our highly advanced testing laboratory. With our commitment to providing reliable and accurate results, we strive to be a trusted resource for patients, healthcare providers, and the scientific community.

The field of human genomics is revolutionizing the approach to cancer detection and treatment for patients with hereditary predisposition, providing physicians and researchers with invaluable insights to help personalize their care and optimize their treatment plans.
Cancer is a human genome illness that is exceedingly complicated and influenced by a plethora of genetic and epigenetic variables. Understanding a tumour’s mutational profile is critical for diagnosis and guiding therapeutic options. According to the "two-hit" hypothesis, initially postulated by geneticist Alfred Knudson in 1971, a dominantly inherited predisposition to cancer involves a germline mutation, while tumorigenesis necessitates a second, somatic, mutation. The same type of non-hereditary cancer requires the same two hits, but both somatic. As a result, for a cell to become cancerous, both of its tumour suppressor genes must be mutated. Modern-day oncologists are aware of the critical function that genetic information has in the field of oncology and utilize it to match the correct therapy as per the patient’s needs and assist in improving patient outcomes.

Genetic technology is continuously evolving, delivering better, safer, and more sensitive methods of prenatal and postnatal diagnosis of genetic diseases. These advancements have had a significant impact on how prenatal services are provided to women and their families. A genetic condition diagnosis not only enables disease-specific care options but also has ramifications for the affected individual's entire family. We provide prenatal testing to detect chromosomal abnormalities, genetic disorders, and certain infectious diseases in developing fetuses. We offer a variety of services accompanied by advanced technologies such as carrier screening to identify individuals who carry a genetic variant associated with a specific condition and are at risk of passing it on to their offspring, recurrent pregnancy loss to identify genetic causes of repeated miscarriages, and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) to screen for chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome in a developing fetus using a blood sample from the mother.
By focusing on the exome, which comprises only approximately 1-2% of the entire genome, exome sequencing can provide an efficient method for identifying genetic variations that may be relevant to a particular disease or condition. NGS is a term used to describe various high-throughput sequencing technologies that allow for rapid and simultaneous sequencing of millions of DNA fragments, making it possible to sequence entire genomes, exomes, or specific regions of interest. NGS has allowed for faster and more comprehensive testing, which has had a significant impact in the field of precision medicine. NGS has revolutionized the field of rare genetic disease diagnosis, allowing quicker and more thorough results.
Our diagnostic lab act as an indispensable tool in gynaecology, assisting doctors and patients in understanding and managing a wide range of reproductive health conditions. We take pride in providing accurate and dependable test results for a variety of gynaecological problems, for example- identification of individuals who are at an increased risk of developing certain types of gynaecological cancer due to inherited genetic mutations. Once the underlying condition is addressed, personalized medicine can be provided to tailor treatment to the specific genetic makeup of a patient with gynaecological disorders.
Genetic counselling is often provided to help patients understand the implications of test results and make informed decisions about their pregnancy.

Our genomics lab helps infertility specialists by providing genetic testing services that aid in the identification of the genetic causes of infertility. These tests include chromosomal analysis, carrier screening, and genetic testing for specific conditions that may affect fertility, such as Turner syndrome and Fragile X syndrome. Genetic testing can also help to identify inherited genetic conditions that may increase the risk of infertility or miscarriage. This can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy and help couples make informed decisions regarding their reproductive options.